Deadline for the full Retail availability is coming up next week! Order now before quantities become limited.
Order Deadline: June 28, 2024
Allium New York
Tulip Qatar
Daffodil Jamestown
Garlic German Red
SKU: 987340
25 packs of 3 bulbs
German Red is a Rocambole Hardneck garlic. Its skin is pure white with red. It has a unique flavour that is full and nutty. Each 3 pack of bulbs is packed in a mesh bag.
Garlic Mennonite
SKU: 987332
25 packs of 3 bulbs
Mennonite is a Porcelain Hardneck garlic. It has bright white wrapper with light purple skin. It has a spicy flavour and is winter hardy. Each 3 pack of bulbs is packed in a mesh bag.
Garlic Music
SKU: 98733
25 packs of 3 bulbs
Music is a Porcelain hardneck garlic with white skin. It is one of the most popular varieties. It has a high yield, consistent performance and is winter hardy. Each 3 pack of bulbs is packed in a mesh bag.